Dhi Yashodabai Govind Gangadhar Phadke Charitable Trust organized a social program called Annadan today on 4th October 2024. About 65 needy people were given rations by philanthropists in memory of their ancestors as well as personal donations. The program was held at Yashomangal hall of the institute at 11 am. Mr. Baghe Sir of Sharda Sadan School of Aryan Education and Mrs. Gawde, Mrs. Salunkhe and Mrs. Desai of SL and SS high school were present. On behalf of the Trust, Chief Executive Officer Shri. Hemant Joshi and Chief Guruji Mr. Gajanan Kelkar were present. To make this program successful, Mr. Umesh Thale, Mrs. Anushka Joshi, Shri. Balkrishna Kulkarni and Shri. Dhondibhau Hande cooperated.